CRP Report to Synod 2019

3 Jul 2019 by Janise Wood in: Dates, Events and Publications

Canberra Region Presbytery - Report to Synod 2019

Prepared by John Williams and Delia Quigley - Presbytery CoChairs

This year the Presbytery office is entering a period of transition and change...

Amid these changing circumstances flows an opportunity to find new ways of working with our congregations and faith communities to be the followers of Jesus. Delia calls us all to lift our faces to head into the new seasons of Life, Church and Earth remembering Jesus’ words to Simon Peter “Follow me”.

That is exactly what we have striven to do, each in the way in which we are called. Our richest experiences in the two years has been the sitting, listening and praying with folk who were faced with hard edges; in times of sharing the faith, letting the spirit run and excite us. From these times we have seen people grow and find strength and wisdom to re-build and to see new futures when surrounded by ashes. It is Jesus’ promise that we would see Him in Galilee that I see being fulfilled and lived out in the courageous lives of so many folks across this Presbytery.

Being followers of Jesus usually leads us to service and witness in some most unexpected ways. We see this happening in all sorts of ways across the diversity and richness of our collective experiences of being a pilgrim people. So, while much changes around us, the fundamental spiritual pilgrimage we share is to seek to continue following the way of Jesus in all its complexity, mystery, wonder and joy.

CLICK HERE for a PDF copy of the entire report.